Get up, take a shower, get dressed, go to work, come back home, grab yourself something to eat, undress, watch TikTok, fall asleep… repeat.

When did we become the experiment and stopped being the scientist behind the experiment? Why did we allow the world to hand us a script on how we are supposed to live our lives? The excitement of life has faded, the little kid who wished the days didn’t end, seems to have stayed in the past, and escaping from reality is a way better deal than being present. I can’t help but ask myself why. Why is it that being alive is such a miracle, yet it feels like a burden? After sitting at a table and allowing myself to observe those who walked past me, I think I’ve discovered the answer. “We don’t know who we are.” We’ve traded our dreams for the dreams of the world, we have allowed our personalities to be shaped by external voices, and we have lost the ability and courage to embrace our uniqueness. Like a lion in a zoo, we might spend our lives with a flame inside our hearts that burns for us to chase our real calling. There is something inside this lion that tells him that he is meant for more than to be fed by humans, that his big roar was meant for something bigger than the applause of tourist, and that his beauty and presence was meant for more than the flash of a camera pointing at him. The sad part about the lion in the zoo though is that eventually, that burning flame will become nothing but the memory of a candle that used to be lit. The lion will think that maybe it was all in his head and that he is in fact meant to be fed by humans, he will believe that his roar is nothing different than a way to bring more tourists to the zoo, and he will finally conform to the flash of those little devices pointing at him all day long. Can you relate to this lion? I know what it is to feel like life is more of a burden than it is a miracle! Life was a burden to me when I allowed my relatives to have an opinion on who I was supposed to be, life felt like a burden when I allowed the world to tell me where I was supposed to go, Life felt like a burden when I stopped listening to God and started listening to the influencer whom I allowed to make me feel like I was worthless… you know! I didn’t have the body, I didn’t have the money, I didn’t have the friends type of thing. However, I am here to tell you that life can also feel like a miracle. That it is possible to be fulfilled… and that kind of life is closer than you imagine. Life is more than waking up, going to work, watching TikTok, and going to bed. We can make the decision today to listen to those things that God placed in our hearts, and for once and for all escape the gates that confine us in a life we weren’t supposed to live. The secret lies in embracing who we are. Your uniqueness is what makes life have meaning, and only those who are brave enough to break free from the zoo will discover that from the very beginning God gave them a roar meant to conquer the beauty of existence.

 The time has come for us to choose what tomorrow is going to look like, to take what’s ours by eternal right. DO NOT LET THE WORLD DICTATE YOUR LIFE. You are so awesome and capable that the creator of every beautiful thing that surrounds you thought of you and knitted you in your mothers’ womb (Psalms 139: 13-16). You are not a mistake; you are here for a purpose. Get up, take a shower, get dressed, and make of this life your favorite movie! Follow your dreams, embrace your uniqueness, and be a good steward of what God has given you. Life happens for you and not to you. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely before the film comes to an end… What a shame it would be for you to discover that you lived like an extra when you were meant to be the main character.

As always, I am thrilled to be growing with every person who reads my blog posts! My desire is that every day we grow into who God created us to be… There is a man named Jesus and he has revolutionized my life in ways I couldn’t even think were possible, and I believe he can do the same for you. I am far from perfection, but ever since I met him, I’ve found meaning to my life. So, whether you know him or you don’t… I’d love to encourage to seek a relationship with him. He is more than a church, a religion, or a man hanging on a cross. He is alive and wants to show you the amazing things you were made for! So right here, right now, talk to him and tell him that you want to know him. Your life won’t be perfect, but it is the key to live a meaningful one.