What do you do when your vison is blurry? When you lift your head to look at the horizon but there is a mountain standing in front of you? When your next step is uncertain, and you are not sure of what will happen next? YOU WORRY! It’s human nature to worry. Elon musk worries, Michael Jordan worries, Jesus worried, you worry and so do I. In fact, I am writing this blog post as I am going through a season of uncertainty. I must accept that it is human to worry, but I also need to remind myself that it is ok to not have all the answers. I am choosing to move pass this state and rest in the arms of the ones who does have all the answers.

You might be saying, “yes Juan, those are cute words, but it is way easier to say it than to apply it” or maybe you are thinking “Juan you say this, but you don’t understand my situation” and guess what? You are correct! Every time I am going through the unknown it takes me a long time to shift my focus from the problem to the one who I know has the answer (hence why I am writing this post! I am trying to take my eyes off the anxiety of not knowing what’s going to happen) and yes, I have no idea what you are going through, but you know what friend, my God is not just “my God” he is your father too, and this I know: he cares about you just as much as he cares about me. How do I know this? Well, you are one of a kind, and among unnumbered possibilities he chose you. this is the first thing that we need to remind ourselves of. God loves us and he cares about us. He didn’t forget about your dream, he wasn’t looking somewhere else when they broke your heart, and he certainly has not given up on you. So why does he allow me to feel this way? Why doesn’t he help me get what I want? Why does he let me stumble? There are 2 principles that are key for us to navigate through these questions, but especially through the unknown.

  1. He wants us to rely on him: I picture God staring every day at the phone line to heaven waiting for it to ring. For us to ask him for his help, for us who are weary and tired to realize that we don’t need to carry our loads. Someone in heaven is strong enough to take my burdens and yours. What would happen if what you are going through wasn’t your problem anymore? If you trusted God so much that you knew no matter what, he’s got you. Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.” We can’t come to God and complaint about how we can’t do it, complaint of how there is no escape of our situation. he knows we can’t! but it has never been about us accomplishing something is about him showing us how he can, and the only way for him to do it is for us to get out of the way.
  • Take our eyes off the problem and focus on the one who can solve it: There is a popular saying that goes something like this, when you go snowboarding and put your eyes on the trees that you may hit, you certainly will hit one. If instead, you keep your eyes focused on where you are going you will have skipped the trees and enjoyed the adventure.” Many times, in my life I’ve been in situations where I hit the trees. I kept focusing so much on the problem that I lost sight of the one who can solve them. It wasn’t until I stopped focusing on the problem and turned my focus back on God that things started to workout. Maybe they didn’t go as I planned but certainly, they were what I needed. I can also tell you that many times I never turned my eyes back to God and I ended up all scratched and bruised from hitting the trees. It was a whole mess, and it will always be as long as we keep our eyes on the problem.

Now, there is also one little thing that I would like to add to this post, remember that as I am talking to you, I am also talking to myself, and I really need to be reminded of this, so bear with me because I know that you also need this one.

  • Be courageous and trust that when you jump off the cliff, God will be there to grow wings for you! And if it wasn’t the right jump, then he will be there to make sure that when you are falling, you fall in his hand. Friend, we need to trust that our father is there for us. Going into the unknown is scary, but we are not going by ourselves. I choose to jump from as many mountains as I can, be bold to believe that I can’t fly but that doesn’t stop him from allowing him to make me fly, I choose to take the risk of having faith on my father. Be like a little kid and believe what the adults tell you, but this time believe in what God tells you! Because his love note for us is filled with beautiful promises, but to see them become true, we first need to believe them.

As always, I am thrilled to be growing with you guys and I hope this blog post brings piece to you, that it encourages you to take your hand off your situation and bring it to God, just Give it to him! I can assure he knows how to handle it way better than you do. Also, I want to encourage you to get to know God (if you don’t yet) and if you do, please pursue a real relationship with him. He is not a dictator like religion sometimes puts it! He is your father, and he loves you more than you can ever imagine.

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